Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Canal Components Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as "Canal") are committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in any part of its business or supply chain. Canal is committed to acting in an ethical and honest manner in all its business relationships, and implementing and enforcing effective systems and supervision to ensure that there is no slavery and human trafficking in any part of its supply chain. Canal strictly abides by the national laws and regulations regarding the above situations.
Canal does not tolerate modern slavery and is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking.  Canal understands its responsibility to be vigilant about this risk in its business and broader supply chain, and is committed to ensuring that its own business and its entire supply chain are transparent in its approach to modern slavery.
Canal will conduct due diligence when appropriate, such as the review of new suppliers and the protection of whistleblowers, as actions to identify and reduce risks!
The content mentioned in this statement will be mentioned in Canal's internal regulations and Canal's Supplier Code of Conduct.